Ian WakefieldGeneral Manager for Becton Dickinson (BD) Africa
Ian Wakefield is the General Manager for Becton Dickinson (BD) Africa. He applies more than 20 years of leadership experience across the Pharma, MedTech and IVD sectors to his duties as a SAMED Board member. His partnership driven approach, supported by a strategic outlook and a focus on executing for success, are well positioned to support SAMED’s mandate. He has also previously served on the boards of SALDA and the American Chamber of Commerce in South Africa.

SAMED elevates the voice of the medtech in South Africa, representing the breadth of players in the sector – large and small players with diverse product portfolios, crucial for delivering care to patients. SAMED’s active role in the YES initiative and elevating Women in Medtech spotlights SAMED’s socially responsible leadership voice. Being a representative of that voice is a role that Ian is proud of and takes very seriously.

Ian, a Medical Scientist with post graduate qualifications in Medical Biochemistry, has built both strong public-private partnerships, bringing likeminded organisations together, and private sector partnerships to lift the standard of care for African patients. He is particularly proud of the growing impact on the lives of the African Patient through the partnerships that built with MOHs and Funders to deliver care in areas of previously unmet need.

Ian strives to create a culture of transparency and trust within the organisations and teams that he is part of. He finds value in diversity of people and actively advocated for greater diversity within medtech. He is also committed to the development of others, serving as a mentor to many medtech colleagues. Ultimately, for Ian, it’s about making a difference in the lives of patients, especially operating in the Africa healthcare landscape where we have such a deficit in delivering quality accessible care across the continent.