Dear SAMED Leaders (including SAMED committees)

It’s time for medtech to reach escape velocity as we elevate our industry to new heights.

Escape Velocity recognises that one of the greatest influencers on business performance is the environment in which we operate. In a sentence, when it comes to building businesses, context matters.

One of the most important drivers of business performance is the economic setting. Put simply: “no country, no company”. When it comes to South Africa, there is no shortage of tough news and economic headwinds.

In this keynote address, Professor Adrian Saville will explore South Africa’s economic circumstance, and map the prospects for the country and companies. Alongside country prospects, the session will share company cases of transformation through innovation and what this means for competitive strategies in the medtech sector.

We talk as if we’re Chile, we fear we’re Venezuela and we act as if we’re Argentina. Working within this context, our task in business – and as corporate citizens – is to build brilliant.

We invite you to join the next in-person Captains of Industry Forum to identify perspectives of “what is possible” over “what is wrong” and co-create a strategy that is relevant and impactful for SAMED, its members and the medtech sector.

Rocket launching

Professor Adrian Saville,  Gordon Institute of Business and Science (GIBS) faculty member and owner of investment firm Genera Capital will facilitate how we transform to meet these challenges.

Prof has held a Professorship of Economics, Finance & Strategy at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) since 2003, where he teaches in the fields of macroeconomics, investment finance and strategy.


14:00 Meet and greet
14:10 Welcome and Opening – Tanya Vogt, SAMED EO
Outcomes following last Captains of Industry Forum and the SAMED data integrity initiative
14:25 Trends and case studies of cybercrimes and hacker activism in the Health Industry – Leishen Pillay, Cyber Privacy Leader: Risk Advisory Africa, Deloitte
15:55 Break
15:15 Transforming the medtech sector – Facilitated by Professor Adrian Saville, GIBS
17:00 Networking and Refreshments
Join us for a networking session with drinks on the Deloitte deck directly after the event. Date: 8 November 2022

Date: 8 November 2022

Time: 14:00 – 17:00

Venue: Deloitte, Midrand

Click here to register

Please note that this is an in-person SAMED member only event.

If you are absolutely unable to attend the event in-person, please let Caroline know.

We will be recording the event to use as marketing material for elevating the profile of the medtech industry