The Medical Device Code whistleblowing hotline is an anonymous 24/7 tip-off mechanism available to anyone wishing to report contraventions of the Code. The hotline is independently managed by Deloitte, and is ISO certified by SABS as a quality management system. It is compliant with various laws including the Company’s and Protected Disclosures Acts, as well as the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act. The number is 0800 00 04 68.
Who can use the hotline? Anyone can make a complaint, including medtech suppliers, patients and healthcare workers.
What can be reported? Contraventions of the Medical Device Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice by SAMED members or other signatories to the Code.
What should you do before submitting a report? Before contacting the hotline, the whistle blower should read the Medical Device Code and compile as much information as possible about the case, including physical address, date and time of where the incident happened, names of people, description of the suspected transgression, proof/evidence such as documentation and the contravened clause of the Code. Emails must be accompanied by a complaint lodging form. This will assist SAMED to investigate the complaint.
Only complaints against a SAMED member and/or signatory to the Code will be investigated by SAMED.