COVID-19 Legislature & Notices

Disclaimer: The South African Medical Technology Industry Association (SAMED) provides this content as a complimentary service. The content is not a substitute for appropriate legal advice and is not binding on SAMED. SAMED, its board members, committees, employees and members, will not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, or, liable for any damages or loss of whatsoever nature suffered by any person as a result of relying on or using the content provided.

Exclusion of medicines, medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs) donated to the state from the operation of certain provisions of the Medicines and Related Substances Act
22 May 2020
Published exclusion on medicines, medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics donated to the State, or provided to the State as a sample as part of the submission of a bid for a tender published by the State, from provisions of section 18B of the Act. This exemption shall be effective immediately for a period not exceeding three years from the date of signature of this Notice.


Workplace readiness practice note
4 May 2020
Provides minimum practice guidelines for all employers to resume operations safely and minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission to workers.


Notice on compensation for Occupationally acquired corona virus under COIDA Amended Act
24 March 2020
Notice on compensation for Occupationally acquired corona virus under COIDA Amended Act


Coronavirus – A Practical Guide for Employers
24 March 2020
Coronavirus – A Practical Guide for Employers
