Our strength and mandate come from our membership, and our foremost concern is to listen to our members and to represent their interests in a relevant and meaningful way, taking account of external factors and developments that impact on their business and health services more broadly.
The result is a unified industry, built through active consultation, respect for the collective voice of our members and an ability to represent their interests, while taking into account the interests of other industry and societal stakeholders.
SAMED is inclusive of manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers of medical technology companies. We represent diverse product portfolios including medical devices, medical equipment and invitro diagnostics. Members range from micro and small enterprises to large and multinational members. We promote and advocate for all parts of our industry equally.
Acceptance of application for membership will be at the discretion of the SAMED Exco members as provided for in SAMED’s constitution.
Contact the SAMED Secretariat to JOIN SAMED: or 011 704 2440

Why Join
We offer our members
Membership types and criteria

Ordinary Members
Ordinary Members, being voting Members whose primary business is the manufacture, distribution and wholesale of Medical Technology.
Membership of SAMED is subject to the following:
- Adherence to the SAMED Constitution.
- Adherence to the Medical Device Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice, as amended from time to time.
- Proof of Medical Device/In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) establishment licence as received from SAHPRA or proof of application or letter confirming exemption therefrom.
- Any other criteria that the SAMED Board members may determine from time to time

Associate Members
Associate Members, being non-voting Members who do not qualify as ordinary Members but trade with and/or provide services to the Medical Technology Industry; i.e. a registered South African entity or individual not involved primarily in the business of manufacturing, distributing and wholesale of medical devices as its primary business. A collective of associate members may not become associate members of SAMED. The Board reserves the right to review the membership of an associate member on an annual basis, as it relates to such an associate member’s continued provision of services to the Medical Technology Industry and the value added to SAMED and the Members.
Such entities/services may include:
- Recruitment of Industry personnel
- Training and educational services to the Industry
- Warehousing and logistical services
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Equipment servicing and repair services
- Design of medical devices
- Consultants
- Embassies
- Other services which the SAMED Board deems to be appropriate

SafMed believes in ethical and responsible business practices in order to encourage good practice in the healthcare industry. Communication and collaboration are key dimensions in this paradigm and SAMED plays a vital role in bringing the industry together and providing sensible guidelines to ensure balanced and rational business behaviour.

Our affiliation with SAMED has made us gain a wealth of industry knowledge, always having the latest medtech information both locally and internationally. Of utmost importance is sharing the same stage with large corporations leveraging on networking with executives that we would not have been able to meet – “Your network is your net worth” (Tim Sanders).