ISO 13485 Resources

Disclaimer: The South African Medical Technology Industry Association (SAMED) provides this content as a complimentary service. The content is not a substitute for appropriate legal advice and is not binding on SAMED. SAMED, its board members, committees, employees and members, will not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, or, liable for any damages or loss of whatsoever nature suffered by any person as a result of relying on or using the content provided.

ISO 13485 benefits, requirement and audit process
November 2023
To prepare members to meet ISO13485 requirements, SAMED holds sessions that inform, educate and equip members to implement. This presentation covers the benefits of ISO13485 certification, the requirements for certification and what to expect during the audit process.


ISO 13485 requirement extension for Medical Devices Establishment Licences
January 2022
The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has issued a communication exempting medical device establishment licence holders from ISO 13485 certification for a period of three years. SAMED welcomed the exemption after numerous engagements with SAHPRA (including via industry workshops and the ITG) on the lack of local conformity assessment bodies, international notified body backlogs created by the pandemic and a lack of clarity that ISO13485 would be the specific industry quality management system.

SAMED recognise that ISO 13485 is the most suitable standard for our sector, but were concerned as to the potential risk to the continuum of patient care and the sustainability of medical technology suppliers should it be a requirement on the first renewal of establishment licences, which for some members is imminent. The exemption provides sufficient time for medtech suppliers to plan, budget and implement the standard and we encourage members note waste the opportunity provided.
