Non-binding Medical Technology Code Advisory Opinions

Disclaimer: The South African Medical Technology Industry Association (SAMED) provides this content as a complimentary service. The content is not a substitute for appropriate legal advice and is not binding on SAMED. SAMED, its board members, committees, employees and members, will not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, or, liable for any damages or loss of whatsoever nature suffered by any person as a result of relying on or using the content provided.

SAMED Non-binding Code Advisory Opinions: Process and Library
To facilitate a greater understanding of the Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice (the Code) and enable members and stakeholders to learn from advisory opinions provided on similar situations, SAMED provides a summary outlining the advisory queries and their outcomes. This summary enables companies to refer to and learn from the advisory opinions to assist in avoiding potential Code transgressions in the future and provides guidance on how to submit an advisory opinion request.

Updated: 14-02-2024
