Overview & Quick Guide Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice

Disclaimer: The South African Medical Technology Industry Association (SAMED) provides this content as a complimentary service. The content is not a substitute for appropriate legal advice and is not binding on SAMED. SAMED, its board members, committees, employees and members, will not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, or, liable for any damages or loss of whatsoever nature suffered by any person as a result of relying on or using the content provided.

Overview of Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice
This overview of the Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice (the Code) aims to provide leadership and clear guidance to medical device companies to enable them to uphold the ethical standards expected of the healthcare sector.


Quick guide: Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice
These summary points can be provided to staff that interact with HCP as a quick reference on the summary points contained in the Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice. Please note that this is not a substitute for reading the code, but rather a reminder of some of the key points


SAMED Communication on revised Medical Technology Code values
The SAMED code committee, with approval from the SAMED Board has revised the values for promotional items, items of medical utility, anatomical models, scientific books/journals and competitions, as stipulated in the Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice (the Code).
