SAMED Video Library

SAMED also has numerous recordings of training events on market access, regulations, transformation, compliance and more which is exclusively available to SAMED members. Contact for more information.

SAMED Elevating Possibilities

SAMED CEO Pulse: SAMED taking the Pulse of Medtech

SAMED 2023 Annual Conference: Accelerate Connect Converge Rebuild

Women in Medtech Forum: Rising together – Empowering Change

SAMED 36th Annual General Meeting with Dr Sandile Buthelezi

Captains of the Industry cocreating an elevated medtech

SAMED Women in Medtech: Stepping up Women Empowerment

SAMED Captains of Industry: Building Brilliant with Prof Adrian Saville

SAMED 2022 Annual Conference: Opening Address with Prof Bonang Mohale

SAMED Captains of Industry: Elevating Medtech

SAMED Women in Medtech

SAMED: The Voice of the Medtech Industry

SAMED: SA Medtech Investment – with Invest SA

SAMED Medical Device Code: Whistleblowing Hotline

SAMED: A Code of Ethics for All

SAMED: Growing Medtech

SAMED: Advancing Regulatory Practice

SAMED supports Ethical Vaccine Procurement

SAMED welcomes arrival of COVID vaccines and outlines its support for SA’s vaccine programme

SAMED Conference 2021: Growing Medtech Post Pandemic