Reasonable hospitality and travel for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and company-organised educational events are just three of 37 provisions covered by the Medical Device Code which have been updated and strengthened.

SAMED, led by the Code Committee, undertook an extensive review of the Code over the last few months to close out gaps, align with best practice and ensure that the whole medtech value chain is bolstered by an ethical and sustainable medtech sector.

In the course of this work, the team studied and compared relevant support materials including international codes, HPCSA guidelines and Code FAQs.

The revised Code will come into effect 1 February 2024. SAMED has initiated a series of workshops to train compliance officers on the updated Code and will host a stakeholder workshop on 29 February 2024. This session will cover an overview of the changes to the Medical Device Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice, answering your questions, as well as an interactive session with Medtech Europe on the CVS system and when it is applicable to South African medtech conferences and congresses.


1 February 2024

The revised Medical Device Code comes into effect.

29 February 2024

Stakeholder workshop on Code revisions and application of Medtech Europe’s CVS