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Want to partner with SAMED and become a sponsor for our events? Reach our 150+ members at targeted forums or through our annual conference and connect with decision-makers and influencers. Contact communication@samed.org.za to take advantage of our advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

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We encourage you to save these dates so that you will not miss any of our events. Please note that our events calendar is subject to change – check back regularly for updates or contact communication@samed.org.za.

Download our 2024 preliminary events calendar

Engage in this Market Access Forum where you will gain an advantage by understanding Western Cape Health’s procurement and tender processes. The session will also provide an opportunity for members to understand Medscheme’s reimbursement model and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes.

Who should attend?

  • Financial Officers
  • Procurement officers
  • Reimbursement Leads
  • Product Managers

Why should you attend?

Medtech companies provide services to private and public sector entities. This is an opportunity for members to streamline and understand how integrated processes impact their business.

Areas of Discussion

  1. Western Cape Health Procurement and Tender Processes presented by Esmereldah Isaacs, Western Cape Health: Chief Director for Supply Chain Management
  2. Medscheme’s reimbursement model and HTA processes presented by Christeen Keyter, Advanced Specialist in Health Technology Assessment

Click Here to Register

You are invited to join this session where we will launch the revised Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice (the Code). SAMED has invested time and resources behind the scenes to elevate the Code and ensure it is a user-friendly tool to enhance your day-to-day business practices.

The session will also delve into understanding when the Ethical Medtech and Mecomed CVS system is applicable to South African third-party organised events and when not.

Who should attend:

SAMED Captains of Industry, Members, Compliance Officers, and signatories to the Code.

Why should you attend?

  • The Code is a mandatory criterion for SAMED membership
  • Navigate the Code with ease to ensure its implementation
  • There appears to be confusion amongst both industry (SAMED members) and Doctor Societies and Professional Conference Organisers as to when Ethical Medtech and Mecomed CVS is applicable to South African third-party organized events and when not. This session aims to provide clarity and guidance to members when arriving at decisions as to whether they require CVS approval or not.

SAMED is the custodian of the Medical Technology Code which governs interactions between signatories and their customers, namely healthcare providers, and professionals. This self-regulation fosters trust in the medtech industry by creating a framework for ethical activity that protects the reputation of industry stakeholders.

SAMED Members should be aware of revisions, in particular, around third-party educational events and educational grants and support to HCPs, aimed at strengthening and promoting compliance to ethical principles and practices in the conduct of members’ businesses and affairs.

We look forward to your participation and encourage you to share the invitation with fellow stakeholders.

Click Here to Register

SAMED Diversity in Medtech Forum
25 July  2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Medtech ESG, Equity equivalence programmes, YES and alumni update

SAMED Medical Device Code Forum
3 September 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Medical device representatives in the clinical environment, Loan sample and demonstration products, Competition law update

SAMED 2024 Annual Conference
10-11 September 2024, 08:00 – 17:00
View the preliminary agenda here.

SAMED Diversity in Medtech Forum
19 September 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Purpose drivent transformation

SAMED Gauteng Chairperson’s Forum
20 September 2024, 10:00 – 13:00
Content to be confirmed

29 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Content to be confirmed

SAMED Orthopaedic Suppliers Forum
30 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Update on matter affecting the orthopaedics industry

SAMED Regulatory Forum
5 November 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
ISO 13485 Measurement analysis and improvement, MD SAP for local manufacturers, Direct to consumer communications and marketing

SAMED Market Access Forum
7 November 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Eastern Cape procurement and tender process, Cure Day Clinics procurement policies and processes, MediClinic procurement policies and processes

SAMED Medical Device Code Forum
12 November 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Whistle-blowing hotline process, updated on 18 A B & C, Trends and challenges in compliance

SAMED Diversity in Medtech Forum
14 November 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Practical aspects of B-BEE verification, YES and alumni programme update, Women Empowerment Index update

15 November 2024, 13:00 – 17:00
Content to be confirmed