- What is the maximum value of a subscription to a medical journal?
- What is the maximum value of a promotional aid?
- What are examples of inappropriate promotional items?
- Are cruise ships or golf estates appropriate venues for product and procedure training and education events?
- Is it appropriate for Companies to invite HCPs to company plant or factory tours where the HCPs reside outside the country of location of the plant or factory?
- Is it acceptable to offer a cash advance by way of a cheque or bank transfer payable to a HCP for a specific amount to cover all or part of the HCP’s’ travel or accommodation expenses for attendance at an event?
- In the event that an HCP is accompanied by a guest at the event, may this guest be admitted to any company event?
- Would the definition of HCP include purchasing professionals employed in the retail sector, such as a purchasing professional employed by a supermarket chain?
- Does the Code govern the actions of companies’ agents and sub distributors?
- Is the Code binding on a company’s activities in other countries for example Angola?