You may not donate because charitable donations are for exclusive use for charitable or philanthropic purposes and/or to benefit a charitable or philanthropic cause. Charitable donations may only be made on an unrestricted basis and to bona fide charities or other non-profit entities or bodies whose main objects are genuine charitable or philanthropic purposes. Charitable donations towards the general running of the hospital are not allowed.
Related Knowledge Base Posts
- Can a sample be sold for commercial gain?
- What are demonstration products?
- What is a Sample?
- What are possible sanctions for breaches of the provisions of the Code?
- Is a contract between a company and HCO for the sale/loan/rental or placement of capital equipment, which includes a provision pertaining to the purchase of consumables/disposables associated with the equipment is permitted?
- Is a branded wine aerator to the value of R 300 incl vat an acceptable promotional item?
- Is it inappropriate to arrange company product and procedure training at company events since one should only offer unbiased education; with no mention of brand names.
- Is it permissible to arrange a two hour Hop-on-Hop-off tour of the city for some HCPs on the morning of the fourth day whilst the HCP’s are waiting for their flights to depart.
- I have arranged a CPD event. Can I hand out company branded promotional items?