- Who are HCPs in terms of the Code?
- What type of documentation should be kept on record between a Healthcare Professional and a company in the event that the HCP performs a service on behalf of the company?
- What do you do when an HCP who consults to you asks your company to make a charitable donation to their favourite charity. In return he/she says they will not charge you a professional fee for the provision of consultancy or speaking services.
- What is the principle of separation for?
- Who is bound by the Code?
- We have engaged a Key Opinion Leader to conduct a training session for other HCPs. The HCP presents an original invoice for payment of the agreed fee. What documentation must you have on file in order to process payment?
- A doctor mentioned that he would prefer the sales representatives to wear branded scrubs when in theatre. Are the sales representatives allowed to wear branded scrubs for the operating room?
- When confirming the suitability of a conference for HCP attendance, you should focus on:
- What is meant by “legitimate” or “genuine” in terms of a third-party organised event?
- Can a company pay consulting fees and expenses for an HCP to participate as faculty at the company satellite symposium at a third-party organised conference?