Code & Compliance Library

Disclaimer: The South African Medical Technology Industry Association (SAMED) provides this content as a complimentary service. The content is not a substitute for appropriate legal advice and is not binding on SAMED. SAMED, its board members, committees, employees and members, will not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, or, liable for any damages or loss of whatsoever nature suffered by any person as a result of relying on or using the content provided.

The Medical Technology Code of Ethical Marketing and Business Practice


Project 18C’s vision for ethical marketing of health products


SAMED Medical Device Registry Principles and Position Paper

Read the Position Paper

SAMED Position on Localisation of Venue Vetting Criteria

Read the Position Paper

SAMED Position on Company Representatives in Theatre

Read the Position Paper

SAMED Position on Loan Sets and Company Reps in CSSD

Read the Position Paper
HCPs standing together

Overview & Quick Guide Medical Device Code

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Need a Non-binding Medical Device Code Advisory Opinion?

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SAMED Medical Device Code Hotline Complaints

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Medical Technology Code Templates

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Indirect Sponsorship and Educational Grants

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SAMED on Conference Venues

Cellphone and laptop

Internal Code Training Resources

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laptop and writing

User Guides: Code Online Certification Test

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Guidances on Emergency Support During Covid-19 crisis


COVID-19 compliance guidance document


18 A & 18 B Exemption Notice for Medtech

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