Medical Device Code
- My company is a member of SAMED and it is an agent (as defined). I do not employ sales representatives but have independent sales representatives and brand-ambassadors that assist with product introductions; launches and promotions on occasion. Does the code apply to me and my independent representatives?
- Are companies, operating in a particular field, permitted to consult with the Third-Party Organiser of a congress and give input on the agenda topics.
- Is it permissible to promote products in the CPD meeting room?
- May a sales representative who has scrubbed pass instrumentation to a surgeon in theatre?
- Must sales reps provide doctors with clinical diagnostic advice, surgical advice or recommend treatment?
- Is it required to document a Consultancy Agreement with an HCP if no consultancy fee is payable?
- Can a HCP be reimbursed by a member for cleaning and packing a loan set at the place of their employ i.e. a theatre nursing sister?
- Is paying a nurse employed or contracted as a nurse by my company, a commission to use or sell my product considered perverse?
- May a company representative touch a patient whilst doing product training?
- May company representatives wear their own / company branded overshoes and / or theatre clothes into theatre?